Oil Cleansing Myths Busted

Oil Cleansing Myths Busted

By Diana Vo 


Oil cleansing has been huge in the beauty community and it has changed the way we look at cleansing. However, there are still many of us who are still afraid of oil cleansing. Many are concerned that it will cause breakouts, that it will make their skin feel greasy and clog pores, but thankfully most of these worries aren't true. So let's look at the myths by breaking down the science why oil cleansing is actually good for you. 

Why are we afraid? 

Healthy, clear, glowing skin, free of blemishes and flakes seems to be an elusive goal. The booming skin care industry would have us believe the need to rid our skin of oil entirely and replace it with unnatural oil-free substitutions in order to avoid blemishes. With more natural skincare products rising on the market, it is actually a fact that formulas created with oils are better than water-based products such as your creams and lotions. Lotions and creams are usually made with emulsifiers and mainly contains water- these ingredients cannot dissolve dirt or attract bacteria deep within the pores. 

what is oil cleansing? 

Cleansing oil is a way of deep cleansing your skin without stripping it of all of its essential moisture that it needs. Oil cleansing sounds scary, but "like attracts like," so oil is actually perfect for removing dirt, grime, pollution, makeup, and sunscreen. It binds to all of these clogging substances and more, so it's easy to remove. 

The great thing about oil cleansing is that anyone can do it - all skin type  and it's so simple. 

Here are common myth busted. 


 As an Estheician, I hear this comment all the time " My skin will get oily with oils"and here's why this myth is a bust. 

 Oil and water do not mix, which suggests that water-based products might not be the right tools for removing oil from your face. Water-based products such as your cleansers and soaps cannot dissolve the dirt and attract bacteria deep from within your pores. The other downside is that it will strip your natural oils. The squeaky clean feeling is actually a bad feeling and that is why your skin feels so tight and dry after you rinse. You should try to avoid "loving" this feeling because through time, your skin is becoming more dry, more dehydrated which will lead to wrinkles and fine lines. 

Oil cleansing will help dissolve impurities, remove them, and keep the outer most barrier intact and functioning properly. Oil cleansing method will dissolve blackheads, extract whiteheads, and balance dry, oily, sensitive, and acne prone skin while nourishing and moisturizing it.

So no matter what skin type you have, the oil cleansing method allows your skin to balance itself, bringing it back to its natural state without the squeaky clean feeling. You will notice a natural glow and softer skin after you rinse or use a wash cloth. 



This type of cleansing is definitely worth your time! Oil cleansing doesn't have to take long and it deep cleanses without stripping your skin. Plus, it effectively removes all makeup without harsh chemicals — even tough-to-remove eye makeup. The massage action of applying the oil softens hardened plugs of sebum lodged in pores to make them easier to remove and helps with congested pores to keep skin clear. Massage also increases circulation and lymph flow so that skin is plump and looks healthy and radiant. Massage for a few minutes and your skin will thank you. 

It is true that natural oils will not remove easily from your skin so using a warm cloth is a tip. When you wipe the oils using a warm cloth, it acts as a buffer to remove all the dead skin from your skin. I personally love using a cleansing oil with a warm cloth to remove all the dead skin from my nose and forehead. 


Comment below if you have tried cleansing oil and I'd love to know your experiences. 




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hi there
I am 55 years young and looking to try your line…I need help as to what I need to get started…my skin looks tired…I am post menopausal and I spend a lot of time out side in the sun, and sadly my skin shows that. Thanks in advance Colette

Colette Crane

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